Milestone unlocked. Aiming for the minimum of 1 lesson a day compounds over the years. @duolingo is my most consistent habit, along with daily reading.

Aim to read the minimum of 1 minute a day and you’ll find you’re reading the whole chapter or more on normal days.

  • @BoxerDevil
    27 months ago

    Which language? Do you feel confident in speaking said language?

    • Jenxi SeowOP
      7 months ago

      @BoxerDevil Japanese. I can read and listen, compared to before I started. I’m able to say some basic sentences, but holding a conversation would still be tough.

      My goal was to be able to understand anime better and read some books that are only available in Japanese. I can grasp some sentences in anime now without looking at the subtitles. Reading is tough because I need to increase my kanji vocabulary.

      • @BoxerDevil
        27 months ago

        This seems to be a sign. Gonna go download it