Plenty of nix’d config, nix-colors theming for most applications. I’ve only been using linux for around 6 months, NixOS has really clicked with me.

My config might be sub-optimal in areas, but its gone through some heavy changes since its inception.

  • @daiOP
    1 year ago

    To break it down, tiling wm just… manage windows.

    Since I posted my config here it’s changed quite a bit. If you wanted to rip out my hyprland.conf check /nixos/home/hypr/default.nix

    There should be some home.file = text ‘’ text here ‘’; with my config for the bones I use.

    You should be able to decipher where these should live, but some of the values like ${spaghetti.user} or the nix-colors palette values won’t work without too having that installed.


    My first days of using hyprland went something like this:

    What package would you need to change wifi configurations. You using NWM, IWD or WPA? Does that package have a GUI or are you comfortable using the terminal in TUI or typing configurations via commands, or editing files using vi / nano?

    Oh, that package you just installed isn’t running at boot, better add that to the exec once in hyprland.conf

    Wait that package should be added as a service and not as the package?! Do I still need to enable the package or does = true; handle that?

    Home-manager sounds like a waste of time, why would I want refactor my config for the Nth time?

    Man Home-manager makes configuring everything so easy, why was I doing everything manually before?

    Wait I don’t have a calculator installed? Why am I editing basic text files in Lite-XL? Oh, I’ll need some scripts to change keyboard brightness, I could add a Dunst notification to that would be cool! Man I wonder if this program let’s me change XYZ?

    It’s become a lot 😅


    Once I got out of that mess, picked some basic packages that fit my needs I moved onto… adding more packages, configurations, modules, hosts, theming support and so on.

    For your gaming question, yeah it works great! If your using NVIDIA hardware read the wiki and add the suggested config options to hyprland.conf but it all should hit the ground running without much configuration. The closed drivers will perform much better in gaming.

    If your on AMD Graphics just send.

    Full screen games work fine, same with windowed.

    If you’ve not tried gaming under Wayland you shouldn’t really be too concerned, it works mostly fine these days under Steam / Proton. Expect some issues but it’s always good to expect worse than you’ll receive.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Thanks for the details. I’ve jumped around, but use Gnome as it just works and I don’t have to tweak much. It sounds like hyprland would allow more control, that after I got past the initial setup, I could kind of set it and forget it, until I wanted to add to it as the landscape changes over the years. Maybe I will continue with both hyprland & Gnome until I get my footing.

      Good to know that you can use GUI along with TUI. I would want a GUI wifi manager, because I don’t want to mess around with configuring my wifi in the terminal.

      Home-manger is great, but yeah, I get the original sentiment. Flakes and home-manager are complicated, until they are not. :)

      Also good to hear it works great with gaming. I was just concerned that because most games are full screen and Gnome does it for you, that it would nuke your window setup in a tiling window manager like hyprland, but again I’ve never used a tiling window manager (other than failing with herbstluft many years ago).

      Wayland is great. Just need to figure out remote access and I think I have all the features that X11 offered at this point.

      I didn’t say it earlier- but your setup looks great btw.

      • @daiOP
        11 year ago

        Cheers man, appreciate it. It’s an awful mess rn, but an ever changing awful mess.

        Ahh I tried to have herbstluft running before I had hypr running, but my Linux inexperience got me when I landed in a tty and couldn’t run the wm.

        Remote access into my personal machines isn’t required outside of SSH, for work I remote into Windows machines using remmina without any issues. I was working on screen sharing in my config, in /hardware/audio/ but got distracted by the rest of my config.

        Running Hypr for a while has really given me more insight into the “bloat” of modern desktop environments, NixOS too has pushed me further into that rabbit hole.

        I mean, if your running Nix why not add another branch to your git and give it a twirl?