Hershey has announced they are putting new seats and restraints on SkyRush. I’m excited about the station improvements they talk about but I really don’t know that the new restraints are going to make it a better experience… SkyRush consistently scared the shit out of me and I loved it for that. I guess time will tell.

What do you think? Are you excited for more comfort or do you think the more secure feeling will take away from the ride experience?

  • @stooth64
    31 year ago

    I loved this coaster when I rode it last year, but I actually had no issues with the restraints. That being said, it sounds like this will be the same restraints as on Velocicoaster and Pantheon (among others) which are solid so this should be an improvement overall.

    • Bob K MertzOPM
      11 year ago

      I love the Velocicoaster restraints myself but I do feel WAY more secure riding VC than I ever did riding SR… That sense of security kinda flies in the face of thrill in my opinion. SkyRusk is certainly going to remain an elite ride – I just am going to miss that feeling that I’m going to die haha