“No war!” at the Borisovsky cemetery in Moscow

Video: BBC Russian Service

“He was not afraid, and we are not afraid!”, “Yulia, we are with you,” chant those who came to ask for Navalny.

The crowd chants “Putin is a murderer!” - Russian media.

“Putin killed him, but didn’t break him,” - this is the poster hung on a tree on Borisovskie Prudy Street

“Bring the soldiers home!”, “Ukrainians are good people,” chant those gathered at the Borisov cemetery

People also turned on flashlights in memory of Navalny.

  • RubberDuck
    597 months ago

    Very risky time now for Russia. These kind of things can be the spark that leads to more civil unrest, open protests and revolts. 2 weeks till election… May Putin live in interesting times.