Mine would have to be League or Warframe tbh.

  • @GCanuck
    131 year ago

    Satisfactory. I love this game. I hate the fact that it chews up so much game time. This blows CIV games out of the water for the “one more turn” effect for me.

    But I was cruising the other place one day, and saw a user with the flair “it’s not a game, it’s a hobby”. And that changed a lot of my attitude towards this game. Now I treat it like an overly complex model train builder.

    • Tlaloc_Temporal
      11 year ago

      My biggest issue was how needlessly complicated it was making anything look halfway decent, particularly with tracks. Just getting the tracks to not float over platforms takes hours, then trying to get the platforms to sit on the terrain nicely takes more, and no matter how nicely that turns out, it looks like the game forgets to render plants wherever you build anything… All to pump ever more complex crap into a trash compactor while the cool space elevator stands dormant.

      Ugh, it’s such a cool idea, but every action feels like a mistake, and every project feels like a waste. I wish I loved this game.

      Oh, and I almost forgot the hilarious amount of waste nuclear power makes, while coal and oil are infinitely renewable and objectively the cleanest forms of energy. Feels like oil & gas propaganda.

      • @Bamboodpanda
        11 year ago

        There is an option to align things to a global standard grid. If you start construction using that option, everything in the game snaps together perfectly.

        It changed the game completely for me.