“No war!” at the Borisovsky cemetery in Moscow

Video: BBC Russian Service

“He was not afraid, and we are not afraid!”, “Yulia, we are with you,” chant those who came to ask for Navalny.

The crowd chants “Putin is a murderer!” - Russian media.

“Putin killed him, but didn’t break him,” - this is the poster hung on a tree on Borisovskie Prudy Street

“Bring the soldiers home!”, “Ukrainians are good people,” chant those gathered at the Borisov cemetery

People also turned on flashlights in memory of Navalny.

  • ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
    -51 year ago

    most shouted “russia without putin”. lets go big: world without russia!

    the russian shitnation has caused so much trouble around the world. sometimes countries (like germany where i live) need to take a break by being broken.

    i think there is no need for a russian nation if their ppl are so weak and brainwashed like right now. nothing is lost with russia. no culture, no good sportsmen, no products…there is nothing specifically russian that is of value. buy oil/gas elsewhere. russia is just obsolete. wipe belarus too while youre at it.

    • toofpic
      11 year ago

      Remember the times the country where you live caused everyone troubles?

      • ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
        11 year ago

        well i am too young for that but we got history classes and so we saw enough videos and being happy about nürnberg. lets hope there will be a nürnberg for the russian agressor.