• @SchmidtGenetics
    -11 year ago

    Most of those pay by month are year leases, so yeah you’re agreeing to pay for the year, averaged

    The returning was using an example to support my argument.

    The average person doesn’t have two hands… that’s a completely false statement.

    No one has 3 hands to bring the average back up, and by saying the average is 2, you are claiming no one has 1 or zero hands. Thats clearly false, so the average can’t be 2…

    Isn’t averages taught in second grade…?

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      We’ve already discussed how there are monthly expenses not on a lease.

      The average person does have two hands, if you test it you’ll see they do, it’s the wonders of whole numbers and how most people don’t have a fraction of a hand.

      Aren’t whole numbers taught before that?

      • @SchmidtGenetics
        1 year ago

        And you’re free to argue that you’re paying for 28 days instead of 31. Some are willing to give you a deal just to shut you up. The vast majority are yearly leases that are averaged. Can you provide an example of something you pay for just one month? That’s not daily or weekly instead wrapped into monthly…?

        No, the average person has less than two hands, and your whole example isn’t even correct. Lots of people are missing fingers or portions of their hands…

        Also, the average February has more than 28 days since every fourth has an additional day to bring the average up.

        It really sounds like you don’t understand what the term average means here….

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          Nope, the average person has two hands, the average number of hands on a person is less than two. Just like the average American is white and not a combination of all sampled ethnic groups.

          The average February more than 3/4ths of them are 28 days.

          It really sounds like you don’t understand statistics.

          • @SchmidtGenetics
            1 year ago

            You really can’t seem to stick to the same point can you? And where’s the examples? You don’t have any do you? You claimed there was plenty, let’s see them.

            Your first comment you use decimals, and now you’re saying everything has to be whole numbers… can’t change your story to fit what you want mate.

            Stop moving the goalposts, you made a mistake, don’t try to argue different points to save face. Take the L and move on.

              • @SchmidtGenetics
                01 year ago

                There are an average of 30.437 days in a month so if you pay a monthly payment for your average February that’s 2.437 days off the average. That’s nearly 10% of a month.

                Nice “whole numbers” lmfao…

                The average American isn’t white, most are mixed race and not white…. So you aren’t even correct there either.

                You really don’t know what you’re talking about here and have argued 5 different irrelevant points.

                  • @SchmidtGenetics
                    1 year ago

                    Where’s your examples? Where is your proof of anything you’ve claimed? You can’t support anything you’ve claimed and bloviated over.

                    The only one needing to take the L is you, you made a mistake and have tripled down on 5 completely different irrelevant points to try and save face.

                    You’ve proved nothing but bloviate about nothing relevant to the discussion.

                    The average American is not white, the average person has less than two hands… averages don’t NEED to be rounded to a whole number, that’s just plain wrong.