So I don’t live in a hurricane area, but average storms got the best of my two umbrellas that I thought would withstand the wind. One samsonite, one Taiwanese brand (rainbow) that had advertised it as storm resistant. It is true that both would “pop out” in case of strong winds, which is to prevent the immediate break.

Still, facing the wind (a sudden burst as I was walking past a tall building) has bent the ribs irremediably.

Any suggestions based on actual experience?

Thank you

  • @ladicius
    51 year ago

    I bought a very sturdy foldable umbrella several months ago (at a temporary sale of a discounter in Germany so not longer available there) - the clou is the cloth as that is highly reflective and therefore much thicker than the normal umbrella cloth so the ribs have to be stronger, too. It really takes on strong winds without bending much and has the additional advantage of high visibility.

    This model looks very similar to the one I bought:ß-stabil-sturmfest/dp/B07PYWSMQF