I grew up listening to 90’s alt rock like Nirvana, REM, Stone Temple Pilots, etc. - what more recent bands embody that vibe and feel?

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      I wouldn’t say these are any newer than the 90s bands in the OP but they are definitely less well known and awesome.

      • @half_built_pyramids
        42 years ago

        They both had new album releases the the last year or so Otherwise, I’ve heard king gizzard is good

        • @[email protected]
          32 years ago

          Oh wow I knew modest mouse was still active, didn’t know built to spill was still around! I was actually just listening to the plan last night, I’m gonna need to check out their new album.

        • @themz
          12 years ago

          Xennial here, got into King Gizzard over the last year or so, I’ve now listened to them more than any other band in the last 18 years (going by Last.fm stats). Strongly recommend!

          Get Into Gizz is as good a place as any to start.