I’ve done just about everything and I’m just about to take on Lavos.

I started playing Chrono Trigger+ because of all the posts I saw on r/sbcgaming. Seeing as how it’s my fav game of all time, I decided to play it again (guesstimating for the 9th time since playing it as a kid).

My notes on my experience this time around.

  • so amazing to be able to take screenshots, like a modern console
  • the menu system still holds up. swapping people out of your party and moving items between party members is very smooth (some of these older games are REALLY bad)
  • I did some fast forwarding to speed up battles. The live battle system makes this a little challenging sometimes
  • the music in Zeal still slaps
  • CT+ has a bar/cafe area in the End of Time not in the original game
  • graphics still look amazing like they did back in the day.
  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    During quarantine I got to ozzys castle, but I think flea handed me my ass.

    Need to go back, I’m way underleveled and undergeared, I was just being very casual and it was on my phone. That being said it’s one of the few games that has its potentially best release on phones, though I used a controller which helped.