Is there a way to figure out if they blocked youon Signal if you can still technically message them?

Edit: he seems to have blocked me or hasn’t used Signal since a single emphatically non-controversial/non-hurtful comment so he either blocked me or hasn’t opened Signal for >month. He’s not responding to anything else either so he’s either depressed or blocked+done with me.

Edit: I’ll know when it comes birthday time. I’m not a Bridezilla about birthdays but it would be unusual for him to not wish me one. He’s never not done so. I’ll have my answer when that happens 🙏 (namaste) If he wants to be a dick about it and leave me in the dark totally those days are fortunatley numbered :/

Edit: we’re white and very (North)-American.

  • @[email protected]
    210 months ago

    I use signal a lot and sometimes people’s phones will stop signal from running in the background. This can cause the behaviour you’re seeing, as their phone wont receive the messages until they open the app manually