• @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    So are narcotics elsewhere. This is a difference of degree, not type. Black markets exist everywhere. Again, I would suppose that the difficulty in acquiring alcohol and the difficulty in acquiring recovery aid largely cancel out. Alcoholism is much less pervasive in places without bars and liquor stores.

    • BarqsHasBiteOP
      7 months ago

      I would say yes it’s a matter of degree. I think alcohol in Muslim countries is looked down on much worse than narcotics in the West. Alcohol is a sin, a temptation, that you have to steel yourself against, that good Muslims don’t do and bad Muslims do.

      Narcotics in the West is usually seen as a result of drug prescriptions, addiction, and the root cause/problem is commonly sympathized with. Something that society wants to help people out of. (I’m not sure how narcotics are seen in Muslim countries.)