Title, basically. I know I have issues, but I couldn’t say if it’s depression, ADD, or just general problems. Is the only reason to have a diagnosis so you know what to work on, or are there other benefits such as easier access to therapy?

My question is meant specifically for Canada, but feel free to chip in from other countries. :)

  • @SwearingRobin
    51 year ago

    To me a formal diagnosis gives you access to try medication if you want. Even if you’re not interested or ready for medication, a diagnosis (formal or not) can make it easier to find strategies and tools that work for you. Lots of general productivity advice just don’t work for ND folks, and looking for specialized tips makes a big difference.

    To me having and accepting my diagnosis helped me accept me as I am and stop thinking I’ll magically be better next week or next month or next year. I now put systems in place to help me with my weaker points and that’s OK.