• LeadersAtWork
    161 year ago

    Kids don’t want more, they are taught to desire things. All kids want really is the freedom and time to have fun, learn about the world, and maybe catch a toad or two if they’re more the outside, exploratory type. So perhaps this wasn’t at “gunpoint”. The question then is “why are they working at some factory?” Who convinced them? Why are they there?

    What you are attempting to speak on is called “responsibility”. This is fine. However, no child should ever be coerced, tricked, guilted, or otherwise forced in any fashion to work in a society that has enough. Do the dishes at home? Sure. Mow the lawn? Okay. Vacuum the house? That’s alright. Never as a stand-in at any institution when there are capable, older individuals to do that work, if that institution meets their needs, which the overwhelmingly vast majority of the time when you hear about these situations: They 100% do not.

    Besides, since you’re clearly one of those bootstraps folk: Don’t you believe it is the responsibility of the older generations to responsibly teach and support future generations by making the world better than it was for us growing up?

    Or did you buy that gaming rig and decide you’re better than that?

    Just saying.