This is what “embrace, extend, extinguish” means btw: link

  • originalucifer
    7 months ago

    it would take thousands of independent systems to ‘embrace’ whatever changes [from BigCorp], and those changes would have to be proprietary… somehow… and then those instances would have to be dependent on those features.

    so a shit-tonne of ‘what-ifs’ and ‘maybes’… unless the consortium regulating/defining the ActivityPub protocol is compromised by ‘big business’ theres no real way for this to happen.

    the fediverse is in no more danger of being overtaken by some big entity anymore than SMTP [email] is… because at its heart, the fediverse is a protocol-based network. not an application framework.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      because at its heart, the fediverse is a protocol-based network. not an application framework.

      At the end of the day, users do not care about protocols, those are implementation details, they only care about how good of an application you can build them.