Lately my PC has been freezing sporadically. Not freezing completely, as I can still move my mouse, videos or music continue playing and window animations still function, but whenever I try to open a new page or folder it doesn’t do anything. Sometimes it last for 5 seconds, sometimes for 5 minutes. Then all the actions I tried to do while frozen suddenly happen all at once. It even happens when trying to boot sometimes.

I checked my SSD SMART and it’s fine, I performed a RAM health check and it’s fine. I don’t know how to check if it’s my CPU, so it could be that. What can I do?

My specs:

  • CPU: Ryzen 7 1800X
  • GPU: GTX 1070
  • RAM: 2x8GB 2133MHz
  • SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 1TB
  • OS: Windows 11 Education
  • String
    11 year ago

    try having task manager open during a freeze, maybe there’s something that spikes the usage for a while?

    are there any interesting errors in windows event viewer?

    when’s the last time you ran a full virus check + Malwarebytes?

    you could also try partitioning a drive and installing windows fresh on that, see if it still happens (if the new installation runs fine, you can remove the partition and do a fresh install)