Discuss your plays for the upcoming week or closed positions from the prior week. A good strategy post should include several of the following elements:

  • the underlying ticker
  • any upcoming catalyst
  • the specific strikes and expirations in your position
  • trade plan
    • purpose of trade
    • position management
  • premium paid or collected
  • @MaxCapacityOPM
    2 years ago

    More of the same tomorrow, July 5th, with CVNA put ratio spreads. Hopefully be able to close out a few rolled short puts from last week.

    Considering a ZEBRA on MVIS with an 8/18 expiration. BTO 2X 3.50C and STO 1X 4.50C costs 182 for net 100 delta. The equivalent shares would be 449, so that’s 247% leverage over the next 45 days. The trade plan would be 10 positions with a stop loss when MVIS hits 4.29 to limit losses to 0.5% of portfolio value. Close early for a 100% gain if MVIS hits 6.31, otherwise let it ride.