Last Epoch had been on my radar ever since it was on Kickstarter but I didn’t back it at the time. It’s been on my wishlist for a while and initially wanted to wait until release, but now that it’s so close to releasing and because of the many positive reviews I decided to get it this week and I’ve been having tons of fun so far.

I already respected a few times just to try different variations of my build and I’ve been having a blast. I also really like how I can organise the stash tabs and set up custom loot filters in this game.

I know the current build we’re playing is an older one but I’m surprised at how polished the game feels. I haven’t encountered any game breaking bugs so far (though I did report a number of small bugs I encountered here and there) and if this is what early access for the game is like I’m really looking forward to seeing what they’ve done for 1.0.

I’m really looking forward to the 2 new classes. Especially the warlock! The trade factions also seem very interesting and unique.

What are you looking forward to the most, or hoping to see, in 1.0 or a future update?

  • @PandaOP
    11 year ago

    This is super, super useful. Thanks for the breakdown!

    • @PlantJam
      21 year ago

      No problem! One more small detail is that enemy resistance pierce is based on the area level which is shown in the top right near the mini map. This means if you keep your resistances around your character level, you should be fine. If you die to a particular damage type, you know what amount of resists to aim for.