Touch everything

Explanation based on my own experience:

I can’t find something. It’s literally right in front of me, but there is a mix of things and I JUST DON’T SEE IT. Grr.

I start on one side and start touch everything one at a time until it somehow magically appears. It was there the whole time.

If I sense that this type of thing is happening and I’m looking only visually, it’s not there. It’s just not there.

Touch works better than eyes.

  • @MrPoopyButtholeM
    62 years ago

    I have designated places for all my stuff. Unless I’m interrupted by something important, I always put the object back in its right place. In my 20s I used to spend easily 30mins a day searching for stuff, but these days its a rarity.

    • @Coelacanth
      12 years ago

      It definitely helps. I still have a tendency to just put whatever I’m holding on the nearest available surface when I get distracted and completely forgetting about it though. But it helps as long as I’m not distracted at least!