I only play single player campaings exclusively, I only buy games based on the campaign, I never play multiplayer, not one.

Does high framerate really make for better gameplay in a campaign? Is 120fps noticable over 60?

I play on 60Hz now at ultra. Is 120fps Cyberpunk really a better experience than 60fps Cyberpunk?

  • @attempt
    12 years ago

    Personally, it’s smoother and more enjoyable sure but it’s not the end all be all, like I’ve had more fun playing Diablo 4 on my steam deck at 40 fps than on my desktop at 144 fps.

    If your monitor already supports it you could A/B test at like 720p if you prefer 120 medium settings or 60 high to see what you value more

    • LengselOP
      02 years ago

      It sounds like it’s a subjective issue and there isn’t a strong objective way to measure it in single player campagns.