SNW S2E02 introduce a new quirk of the canon: The time “push back”, such that there will be some events (let’s just call it Canon Event) that will always come about in Prime Timeline, albeit in different actual time. Aside from the aforementioned Eugenic War, I can think of a few other so-called “inconsistency”, such as how there are already Cloaking technology for both Romulans and Klingons before Kirk’s mission, despite TOS dialogue implies that Romulan first got cloak during Kirk’s mission, and then transfer technology to Klingon. (I think the current explaination is different cloaking technology, which have various quirks.)

So here’s the question: Under what situation would you consider “Time Pushback” being an acceptable explaination for discrepancy??

  • @T156
    42 years ago

    It does raise an interesting question of whether a similar time-pressure might also be responsible for things like parts of the Mirror Universe coming in sync, since the alternative is that it is either a massive coincidence, or a someone else meddling.

    Personally, I’m ambivalent about it. It has some interesting implications, with fate and whatnot, but at the same time, it wasn’t really necessary, and seems like it would introduce a whole load of problems.

    If events automatically converge, why was there ever a time war?

    It also raises the Doctor Who type question of what happens if someone with knowledge of the future makes it impossible for those events to occur at all? Does the universe resort to increasingly supernatural means to achieve the same end, or break entirely?