• @Fecundpossum
    577 months ago

    So, during a state of lukewarm war, hotter than cold but not quite hot, America should just let a Jewish community get massacred by ISIS because it would leave egg on the face of our rival?

    The world is pretty fucked up right now, I’m sorry for what it’s turned you into. Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any.

    • SteefLem
      117 months ago

      _ Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any. _

      Thats because for most ppl its all very far away. Moment its gets close or closer it becomes different. Everyone (including me) is a Rambo on his/her couch on the other side of the planet.

    • @muntedcrocodile
      -197 months ago

      Sacrifices must be made. Worse case senario its killing possible recruits for the war machine. Its just cold hard math and numbers dont give a fuck about humanity. In this cruel world we are forced to use the tools of our enemies so we can destroy them. I wish it didnt have to be this way but sadly dead people seem to be the only effective way to send a message.

      Ohh and btw do u still buy cheap chinese crap build by slaves that have been forcfully sterilised or do u enjoy ur cushy life behind a keyboard consuming chinese crap powered by genocide without a care in the world.

      We all make sacrifices to our morality every day but i guess as long as u dont have to think about it its not your problem. Everything is bathed in blood from the oil in ur car to the computer ur reading this on the only question is how much of that blood are you willing to accept is on your hands and how much more will you accept in the name of furthering ur goals.

      • @ghostdoggtv
        157 months ago

        Innocent people should not be sacrificed because of your personal mental afflictions

        • @muntedcrocodile
          -37 months ago

          Wow reverting to basless insults how mature. Innocent people will always be sacrificed its a sad reality if we dont do the same we are playing at a significant disadvantage.

          • @ghostdoggtv
            17 months ago

            It’s not baseless, it’s true. You sound like a crazy person. The rest is on you.

            • @muntedcrocodile
              17 months ago

              I dont really care how it sounds all i ask is for you to find a statisticly significant reason for why i am objectivly wrong.

              • @ghostdoggtv
                17 months ago

                You’re not worth the effort

                • @muntedcrocodile
                  17 months ago

                  Interesting way to say despite me being a cunt im right.

                  • @ghostdoggtv
                    17 months ago

                    You’re fantasizing about the necessity of sacrificing innocent people. Seek mental health care.

      • @Fecundpossum
        47 months ago

        I totally, wholeheartedly agree that there is NO ethical consumption in the modern day. Every first world pleasure I enjoy is taken at the barrel of a gun. As a union worker I buy American, or buy from places less likely to have sweatshop conditions, when it makes sense to do so.

        But none of that has anything to do with what we’re talking about. You’re a deranged misanthropic accelerationist, please seek therapy.

        • @muntedcrocodile
          -17 months ago

          How is it different whos blood it is being spilled. Misantropic no accelerationist for our enemies thats the friggin point what do u think sanctions are for its to cause suffering and pain in the general populus and drive unrest to tie up resources solving that problem it sure as hell aint gonna effect the top of the line big rich fuckers it exists to cause suffering of the masses.