I love my deck because

  • it can play Steam games fairly well
  • it can play emulated game really well
  • but most importantly it’s a linux computer, I can browse the web, watch a movie, even be productive on it, and I sometimes don’t even need to plug in a mouse and keyboard or an external screen !

But I was wondering what kind of uses other people have with it, as a non gaming machine?

  • @keyez
    57 months ago

    I have used it a couple times to use Plex and watch movies/TV. Weirdly though it seems it requires an internet connection. I went on a trip and was hoping to watch 2 episodes on a flight and they were downloaded, showed as downloaded and when I clicked play it just spun and failed to play. Later when I had WiFi I clicked play and it was showing small amounts of network activity. Would much rather watch movies on that compared to my phone