He is an evil individual who fails to address systemic issues or assist people for their own benefit.

As a game show host, he humiliates and exploits participants, boasting about his own virtues without any regard for the contestants.


I believe legal intervention is necessary to limit his actions towards people and prevent him from exploiting them for personal gain.

Quick note: while I believe that results of some of his videos is good ( which he did to show how good of a person he is), that does not change the facts about his evil videos, the same way bezoz donations does not make him a good person.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I always see Mr. Beast get a lot of hate every once in a while…and I get that he has a accumulated an insane amount of wealth and fame as a kid which has given him a “unique” look on this world.

    But as far as we know the know… Now in adulthood, the guy has yet to actually do anything horrible.

    I mean the only thing he is guilty of is having a massive following of mindless people that feed him more eyes.

    Yet people keep constantly hating on him for this. Idk if they wish they had his money, fame or what the deal is.

    I see true evils happening in the world all the time yet someone always posts this focused hate on this Mr. Beast dude.

    I don’t think the hate is gonna stop until he is as destitute as the rest of us.

    Being in obnoxious is not a crime.

    Majority of jobs here in the USA exploit and humiliate a lot more than any of these videos.

    That’s all for my rant. Ty.