I rock with https://www.listentomichigan.com/ and similar organizations taking a safe yet firm stand to voice the Palestinian plight.
FAQ: Aren’t you afraid this will help Trump?
This is a primary where Democrats are trying to get their voice heard by the man who claims to lead our party. We are well-aware that Trump is not our friend. There is a long time between now and November for Biden to change his policies and earn support from Democratic voters.
I don’t know what you’re saying. I’m just pretty confident that leftist don’t vote for Democrats.
am leftist, will vote for democatic nominee
i’m sure you can imagine that others might think voting for biden disqualifies you as a leftist, but, as laura jane says, we’re all hypocrites
this is so many layers of assumption and theorizing about thought, i literally have no clue what you mean 😭
i wrote a different earnest reply but deleted it before posting in favor of this: