As a good Internet citizen, I’ve just edited my sidebar to link here.
Be aware though, the community I started is crazy popular (I’ll have you know, it was only the other day that I got a reply to a post!), so be ready for the influx.
3 subscribers?! How dare you?
I’ll have you know that there’s actually 27 subscribers (it may be that you’re seeing 3 because that’s how many are from - I can’t claim to fully understand it all)
Hopefully it’ll help out the other communities you linked to as well (not much seems to be happening there). BTW: I’ve also come across [email protected]
I was wondering when you’ll show up. Was planning to link to you in the sidebar too.
As a good Internet citizen, I’ve just edited my sidebar to link here.
Be aware though, the community I started is crazy popular (I’ll have you know, it was only the other day that I got a reply to a post!), so be ready for the influx.
I’m subbed because I love Andor and was on r/Andor, but I’m ashamed to say I haven’t posted or commented.
Sad B2-EMO noises …
So you’re that 3rd subscriber?
We’ve received about 1700 refugees in the last 3 days, I think we can handle… Wait, 3 subscribers? Who’s the 3rd one? Raise your hand!
(For real tho, R1 and Andor are awesome and it’s good to have at east one functional SW lemmy.)
3 subscribers?! How dare you?
I’ll have you know that there’s actually 27 subscribers (it may be that you’re seeing 3 because that’s how many are from - I can’t claim to fully understand it all)
I’m just teasing you :p
Btw I see [email protected] is active too, you guys should talk. I’m linking to you both now.
Thanks - appreciate the link.
Hopefully it’ll help out the other communities you linked to as well (not much seems to be happening there). BTW: I’ve also come across [email protected]
Oh nice, that one actually seems to be active. I knew I saw one somewhere.