• @Mr_Blott
    01 year ago

    Even as a Scot,

    the Gaelic language, whose preservation is vital not only to our cultural heritage but also to the vibrancy and future of our community

    Away and dinnae talk shite. It’s a totally unnecessary, pointless language and that’s why it’s dying. Stop hoovering up taxpayer’s money and get a real fuckin job. And stop putting Gaelic on roadsigns too, what an absolute waste of money 😂

      • @Mr_Blott
        -11 year ago

        Ach pish. People speak Dutch. Virtually nobody speaks Gaelic.

        Aye, the census says there’s 50,000 speakers, but it also said there are a million jedi. How many of those ‘speakers’ know more than a couple of phrases and/or use it daily? Four? Ok five.

        Put a pillow over its face and slowly suffocate Gaelic to death, it’s the humane thing to do, same wi pandas