Interesting view on this situation.

  • Optional
    254 months ago

    Cybersecurity experts said Microsoft’s admission that the SVR hack had not been contained exposes the perils of the heavy reliance by government and business on the Redmond, Washington, company’s software monoculture — and the fact that so many of its customers are linked through its global cloud network.

    “This has tremendous national security implications,” said Tom Kellermann of the cybersecurity firm Contrast Security. “The Russians can now leverage supply chain attacks against Microsoft’s customers.”

    Hello i’m the enterprise security, uh, guy, and i’ll remove 85-90% of your attack vectors in one pass.

    eliminates microsoft from enterprise

    There you go. Money, please.

    • @Crack0n7uesday
      4 months ago

      Good luck running that past upper management in a large global corporation. “The CTO used to work at Microsoft and only knows Windoze so that’s what we do here”. Lol.