You actually can! When you make a post if you tag the account @gunners (but formatted correctly, I didn’t want to make a post) it will create a post in the community.
@raumdeuter@poorlydrawnarsenal that’s fine. I don’t want to creat an account there for the same reason I didn’t join on mastodon - so much of my posting has nothing to do with the greatest football club in the history of History, so would be irrelevant😀
@ronsboy67 @poorlydrawnarsenal the only thing I don’t think you can do from Mastodon is create a post on Lemmy
You actually can! When you make a post if you tag the account @gunners (but formatted correctly, I didn’t want to make a post) it will create a post in the community.
@poorlydrawnarsenal oooh I will try this sometime. At least until I find a good Lemmy app for the iPad.
@raumdeuter @poorlydrawnarsenal that’s fine. I don’t want to creat an account there for the same reason I didn’t join on mastodon - so much of my posting has nothing to do with the greatest football club in the history of History, so would be irrelevant😀