Forget about his horrible policies screwing the country, what I will never understand are people still denying that he has dementia

  • @shalafi
    177 months ago

    The President does not control inflation. Did you credit Trump for gas deflation during the pandemic when no one was driving? Liberals and conservatives alike have to shake this BS idea that POTUS controls the economy. The US economy is the largest on the planet and doesn’t turn on a dime. If anything, it’s probably more useful to look at current conditions in light of the last President.

    And how you gonna present what baker’s write on walls as evidence?!

    What do you make of this?


    • @Mickey7OP
      -127 months ago

      Simple question. When did you really notice the high prices for everything. During Trump or biden? That’s better than a graph. And Trump made us fucking energy independent which caused all energy prices to go down. So now we get fucked because the very same oil/gas we had right here comes from the middle east. I guess global warming makes an exception for WHERE oil and gas coms from