Personally, for me it’s the idea that just because you don’t experience something (dysphoria, or being a gender other than what society expects of you) that doesn’t mean those experiences aren’t valid.

I get sooo tired of the response “I just don’t understand! I love being my AGAB! Why can’t you just get over it?”

  • @Droggelbecher
    161 year ago

    I’m Agender and I’ve also heard the opposite of your statement at the end, especially from my mum. ’ NOBODY cares much about their gender! What you’re describing is just being NoRmAl!’ There’s not thinking much about your identity because you’re cis in a cisnormative society, and then there’s doing a LOT of soul searching and then strongly feeling that you lack a gender identity and would like to be seen as genderless by others. I know there’s different ways to be Agender but the latter is me.

      • oNeviaOPM
        51 year ago

        Same, lol. I think it boils down to yes, a lot of people can relate to aspects of being trans or even ADHD, but there is a certain threshold where action needs to be taken.

        Most people can relate to lack of motivation or ability to focus from time to time, but when I don’t take my ADHD meds, that is me all the time regardless of circumstances. I needed help in managing the ADHD.

        Most people can relate to enjoying hobbies or mannerisms or expression that are socially tagged as of a different gender, but being trans means that you inherently are of another gender and have a need to express differently than society expects.

        It’s a deeper level for both situations and just because a cis person (or neurotypical person) can relate to the surface level in some way does not invalidate the deeper feelings and experiences of another.

        That probably is why I got so angry when my step mom said “well, why can’t you just be a feminine guy, isn’t that enough?”

        No, because I am not a man. It has nothing to do with femininity and everything to do with my identity. Exploring my feminine side is how I find my authentic self.

    • KeriKitty (They(/It))
      21 year ago

      Very annoying when people just kinda assume nocritter else experiences anything differently from how they do :| “Oh yeah, everyone’s like that!” But no, actually :-\