Calculating 25 minutes by burning 2 inconsistently burning 1-hour ropes

You are given two ropes and are told that they burn at inconsistent rates, but will always take 1 hour to completely burn up. This means that cutting one of the ropes perfectly in half will not give you two smaller 30-minute ropes.

You are told that you need to approximately calculate 25 minutes by burning these ropes in some fashion.

How do you accomplish this?


first ½ of hint

I carefully chose approximately instead of precisely

second ½ of hint

because to calculate it precisely would require that you ignite an infinite number of flames

  • @ascallion
    1 year ago

    Ah, very tricky. I’m not very good at math, so my next idea is to brute force it by unraveling both ropes into their individual threads, counting up 5/12ths of each ropes’ threads and re-tying and burning those threads. Each thread would be the same length as the original rope and would have the same inconsistencies, you’d just be left with a skinnier rope that hopefully has 25min of material left to burn between the two.

    Hopefully somebody figures out the real answer and can chime in, ::: I’m curious how lighting multiple fires helps :::

    • MrMusAddictOPM
      21 year ago

      Waited 24 hours in case anyone could figure it out. I’ve posted the solution as it’s own top comment.