The tree cover in Sydney’s Hyde Park is so lush and cool on a hot day.

(And yes, to everyone reading this from interstate or overseas: I know naming the big park in the Sydney CBD “Hyde Park” was not exactly a creative choice.)

(I’ll also refrain from making me obvious jokes about Sydney’s asbestos crisis.)

@[email protected] #sydney #park #urbanism #UrbanPlanning #UrbanGreening

  • @[email protected]
    211 months ago

    Gotta love those English settlers.
    We are going to have a park here, what shall we call it?
    Hyde Park!
    But, Hyde Park is in England.
    "Yes, but I can’t bring that one here, so let’s call this spot Hyde Park."

    They did the same thing in Perth. There’s a Hyde Park here, also. Ours is also going to lose a fifth of its lovely trees in the near future.

    • AJ Sadauskas
      011 months ago

      @Nath @[email protected] And worse, no-one has ever bothered to change it afterwards.

      Like, no-one has said: “You know what we don’t have enough of in this state? Things named after Lachlan Macquarie and John Hunter!”

      There’s not been anyone important who has died since and had the big park in the middle of Sydney (or Perth) named after them.

      It hasn’t even been officially renamed to the original Indigenous name.