After really hosing things up yesterday, I seem to have solved at least some of the image problems. Not all of them. I rebuilt the mercure and messenger configs from the ground up using the most recent bare metal config templates and that seems to have helped. Also, I continue to live on the edge with the development channel of the kbin repo - there were a number of fixes contributed that looked like issues we had, so I applied those.

Throughout the day today, the site probably was up and down and all around - that was me trying to get things right.

Let’s see what I can get done tomorrow while I’m off work and the rest of my family is out of the house.

  • Sterben
    41 year ago

    Thank you so much for your work. I am sure you will come around and fix all issues. Personally I am struggling to find a good client, but i think it is just a matter of time.

    Additionally, I think would be better to have a few hours of maintenance so you can work easily.

      • ey
        11 year ago

        Wefwef is a lemmy app, not kbin

    • elgordofordo86
      21 year ago

      I’m really loving Thunder as a client. It has an intuitive and clean layout. There is a bit of bugginess but I’m certain it’s server side and they are obviously gonna work that out here!