In my observation, a big part of social progress is each generation pointing out the hypocrisy of the previous. “All men are created equal” so how can you enslave black people? If men can vote, why can’t women? How come straight people can marry but gay people can’t? How is it fair to send an 18 year old to war but not let him vote?

A lot of these hypocrisies were so internalized that a lot of people of previous generations never even thought about them. It was like a mental blind spot. It took young people with fresh thinking to point them out and fight to fix them.

So, speaking as a Millenial, I’m asking what my generation’s blind spots are. What injustices are we perpetuating without even thinking much about it?

For reference, Millenials are currently in their late 20s to early 40s. Not running the world, but also not fresh eyed college grads.

  • @exussum
    191 year ago

    I’m likely older than you and there’s always been generational name calling and judging.

    • Skua
      131 year ago

      “Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.”

      • Quintus Horatius Flaccus, writing over 2,000 years ago
    • @Mr_Blott
      41 year ago

      Society-dependant I suppose. Doesn’t make it any less toxic

      • @exussum
        1 year ago

        It’s descriptive. Do you want to use paragraphs to name a group of similar people, or a word? " The people born between x and y exhibiting these behaviors and traits, or have been imprinted by these traits, though it is not as strict rule," or “generation x.”

        And yes, we are also allowed to critique people based off of these things. It’s how life works. It’s how we grow and change.

        • @Mr_Blott
          21 year ago

          though it is not a strict rule

          Vis a vis, a stéréotype

          Keep 'em divided and angry at eachother!

          • @exussum
            11 year ago

            Say you make a new invention. Are you going to give it a name, or are you going to use a description each time?

            What about if you have kids. Are you going to name your kid a long winded description of their lineage, or something short?