I’m in an oddball mood this morning, so the quote is from Simon and Garfunkel’s “America”. The original is “Kathy,” the spelling liberty just fit my mood. Same for the mixed styles and colors in the text.

  • Diamine Pink Ice / Preppy 05M
  • Diamine Tropical Glory / Preppy 03F
  • Diamine Apple Glory / Safari M
  • Iroshizuku Shin-Ryoku / Perkeo M

Clairefontaine Triomphe 90gsm lined stationery, which also happens to be stationary within a generic six-ring binder from Amazon that I stripped the cover off, and rigged to a much more solid piece of cardboard cut down to A5-ish.

Slides really nicely that way right into a Travelers Notebook, the original cover was clear flexy plastic and kinda worthless as an insert.

Quickie ink samples are on Midori in A6, weight unknown. It plays pretty well with a lot of things, I thought I’d dig the color, but… Not so much.

Keeb in the background is generic Chinese 80-key from Amazon, to replace the one that was on sale because it was UK layout and my dumb ass didn’t notice. Juuuuuuust different enough to be infuriating when I’m trying to work…

Gotta say, y’all, I enjoy this hobby on a relatively solitary basis, but… I’m having a friggin’ blast doing these - not just because I’m rediscovering stuff I adore that’s been buried too long in my ink drawer, but the sharing as well.

PS my penmanship is almost as potato as my photography skills. But I’m kinda stuck with both skills sucking, at this age. Meh, I still have fun.

  • @[email protected]OP
    11 year ago

    Ironically, I thought that my wife and I were the only folks who remembered Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. She (barely, and kindly) tolerated me crushing on A Bledel.

    (I’m just the right age it wasn’t totally creepy, but still).

    Aspie/Hyper… We went thru much the same thing. Took me until I was 40+ to find an outlet that let me write meaningfully, and also didn’t involve a piece of crap bic that made me want to throw it through a wall.

    • @agent_flounder
      11 year ago

      TBH I’ve never seen the movie or read the book but the name stood out :)

      I always hated writing with ball points pens but didn’t realize it fully until I discovered fountain pens. I still think it is insane that ball points became so popular. I guess cost was the main thing. Not everyone could afford a good fp (Parker 51 or 45 or whatever)