I was thinking of setting up a home surveilance system using Frigate, and integrating it with Home Assistant. I’d probably have somewhere on the order of 10-15 1080p 30fps cameras. I’m not sure what components I should get for the server, as I am unsure of the actual processing requirements.

EDIT 1: For some extra information, I did find that Frigate has a recommended hardware page.

  • @KalciferOP
    1 year ago

    The space requirements get super intense with many cameras like that unless you compress the video.

    I think Frigate uses h264 if I remember correctly. Also I’m not planning on storing and archiving the recorded data. I most likely would only save a day or a couple days. You do raise a good point about vacations, though - I should probably have enough storage for possible vacations.

    Also if the cameras don’t encode then the data flow would congest your network something fierce.

    The newtork that the camera feeds would be flowing through would essentially be isolated from the rest of the network. I intend to hook the cameras up to a dedicated network switch, which would then be connected to the camera server.

    The biggest issue as I see it with so many cameras would be how to find interesting stuff in all that data.

    What’s nitce about Frigate, is that it uses OpenCV, and TensorFlow to analyze the video streams for moving objects.

    More Information can be found on Frigate’s website.