i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!

  • @[email protected]
    271 year ago

    I realize this basically makes me satan to a lot of redditors so I never talked about it over there, but I HATED the whole cutesy schmoopsy poem shtick a couple of users would do that everyone would upvote to the top of a handful of threads every day. An AI could be churning out that saccharine doggo speak and nobody would ever know the difference, but people go nuts for it.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Sprog is doing high art, and you can’t convince me otherwise. No AI will never achieve the levels of comedic prowess this person has

      • @thegreatgarbo
        1 year ago

        Yep, upvote for sprog, not so much for schnoodle.

    • Pastor Haggis
      51 year ago

      I didn’t mind the poems at first. When they first popped up, it was only every now and then and they were generally shorter in length and easy to quickly read and digest. Over time, they turned into full-on 10 minute poems with 40 stanzas that flooded every single post. It was no longer novel and I just ignored them every time. Basically, if I see you in every thread, it’s no longer enjoyable. Find a new thing.

      I also hate the dog speak. I don’t mind it for like, a half second, but anything longer than that and I’m done. I’ll post a pic of my puppy sleeping and a friend will respond “pubby sleeb” and that’s the end of it. On Reddit, it would be every person responding “heckin big sleeb” or “smol slep” and all that. One of my least favorite communities was that one where the whole shtick was that they’d post a picture of a dog and everyone would speak like babies.

    • GONADS125
      51 year ago

      I feel the same, and I’ve been so pleased with the actual relevant and substantive discussion here on Lemmy. I’ve complained on reddit for years about how all relevant discussions were smothered out by irrelevant topics, jokes, and puns.

      There is no difference in the quality of discussion in the comments of r/Adviceanimals and r/TIL, and that signifies a broken system perpetuated by unhealthy and immature users.

      I’m sure this sort of low quality posting/comment behavior/culture will grow as the site becomes more popular and streamlined. But I think we’ve got at least a few years before that culture shift will overtake here. Watching reddit deteriorate into the cesspool it is today was like watching a slow-burning dumpster fire over the course of years. I’m just glad to have finally moved on from that toxic immature community. Bots and children outnumber healthy adult users on reddit anymore anyway…

    • I also didn’t care for them.

      Most of their poems were shit anyway. It was weird that they really only started appearing regularly after a dearth of other, much better, unique novelty accounts had disappeared. Like those willing to do that stuff just ran out of ideas.