More BS for consumers who are now being treated even more like thieves when they shop

  • @dustyData
    11 year ago

    The only up side of self checkout in my area is that everyone is either too stupid or frightened to use it (still pretty new), so they still queue at the cashiers while the checkouts sit empty. I skip the queue, use the self checkout and leave the store in less than 5 minutes. Everyone always looks at me as if I’m some sort of wizard. It’s even faster with app scanning.

    • HubertManne
      41 year ago

      I don’t use it unless I have to but thats because its bs. friggin system needs to call in a person because I bought more than 6 2litter sodas. not to mention F these guys, give me a discount if I do it myself but no that is reserved for folks who accept the tracking app and cede their privacy to the almighty corp.