James Lankford cites a veteran as partial reason for recommitting to Sunshine Protection Act, which has already passed in Senate

Archived version: https://archive.ph/QhlaG

  • Gnome Kat
    11 year ago

    dont take the down votes personally, stating your opinion online risks people disagreeing. That’s all the down votes mean is people saying they disagree. it’s not a great look to add an edit complaining about downvotes. if they hurt too much maybe move to an instance that doesn’t have down votes like blahaj.zone, i find it very peaceful to not be able to see downvotes and let’s me worry less about stating my opinion on things.

    also yeah I disagree with your comment but I can’t downvote from Blahaj ;)

    • @johannesvanderwhales
      11 year ago

      I have no idea if “feddiquette” is a thing but “downvote poor quality comments, not opinions that you disagree with” is pretty fundamental to how downvotes should be used. My feelings remain unhurt but I will call out shitty behavior.

      • Gnome Kat
        31 year ago

        I don’t think that was ever true even on Reddit. You can’t control how people choose to use their vote and I feel that is how things should be.

        • @johannesvanderwhales
          21 year ago

          The platform has been designed to allow downvotes. If people downvote for shitty reasons, then yes, I think they’re being shitty. The platform only dictates functionality, but humans dictate what’s a good use of that functionality. Downvoting well-formed statements of opinion just because you disagree with them stifles discussion, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of making a discussion platform. Or, put another way, it’s shitty.