• @Mickey7OP
    -54 months ago

    No problem. If you cannot accept the simple fact that Illegal aliens increased dramatically once the biden regime took over then there are no set of facts that will convince you. But please don’t complain when your taxes, especially property taxes, go up because the schools are fucked with all the illegals now in the school system. And…if you don’t own a house but rent… remember the owner where you rent will have an increase in their property taxes and they will be passing it all along to you in a rent increase

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Yeah, I’m not going to blindly accept some rando’s fearmongering that I could hear by turning on literally any conservative media outlet and be suddenly convinced, you’re just stating a hypothetical scenario from sources who no doubt tell you what you want to hear. I provided a source above to information that clashes with the narrative you are describing. It is your choice on how you follow up with it. Clearly you went a less constructive route.

      Everything noted in your response is conjecture:

      • property taxes are already high af so that’s not the bogeyman you think it is
      • how are schools fucked with undocumented immigrant’s children in the school system? Can you explain the mechanism behind that?
      • rental increases are currently driven mostly by greed. I’m in a mostly white area where a majority of the population was born and raised here and my rent has 2x in the last 4 years. That’s not because of undocumented immigrants in another state. That’s because limited inventory on the market + COVID-era supply shortages + inflation caused in large part by greed and Trump-era money printing led property owners to inflate rental costs as demand for housing rose and their value increased.

      I would love to see some kind of data that backs up your arguments. You sent me some, and I sent you a deeper dive into that data to refute the conclusion you arrived at with it along with a counterpoint about the limitations that affect any President with this particular problem.

      You have a strange definition of the term “facts”. Like, if I said “it’s a fact that my shit is literally gold at a molecular level” does that make it so? No! You would expect something from me to back up my claims. And I expect you to be able to back up yours if you’re actually trying to convince anyone of anything.

      • @Mickey7OP
        -54 months ago

        Some people live in the alternate reality of what the media tells them are the facts. Others live in the real world and experience in their own lives how certain political policies are fucking them. Maybe fantasyland is comforting. Especially for those who actually voted for people who have made their lives much worse off

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          And some people are still waiting for examples, data, literally anything beyond a single persons anecdotal experience before they’re willing to believe any of it because they call BS and explained why.

          My mind is open, educate me.

          • @Mickey7OP
            -44 months ago

            If you refuse to see the reality of what is happening to the cities where the Illegals are poring in I can’t help you with articles and stats. NYC, per example is totally fucked with illegal aliens. They are kicking kids out of some schools, closing them, and turning them into shelters for illegal aliens. Even the leftist mayor of NYC is now considering ending “sanctuary city” status of NYC. Those are undeniable facts.

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              It’s not that I refuse to see it, it’s that I see no evidence of it. That’s why I’m asking for anything beyond your colorful monologues, like this one.