Not when did you come out, that’s a whole different story, but when did you know you were a gay bro?

I’ve always been excited by other guys, I remember being very young (like 7/8) and getting a bit too into the wrestling. My parents turned it off 😩

I was around 13 when someone said something about ‘gay’ and I learned it was a whole thing. It was like a light bulb moment and a bunch of things instantly made sense. And that was it, came out to some friends not long after and that was it.

How about you guys?

  • @witM
    22 years ago

    Hope that part of me changes one day.

    The repression? Whoever caught you, how did they react?

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      It was his mom and she was not really mad just disappointed in him which feels worse. Theres other details but really I just remember the negativity I recieved. Since then I never really got over it.