The article is satire but the UK DID ban puberty blockers. Wonder what they know that we don’t seem to know

  • NeuromancerM
    -37 months ago

    This is why so many countries are starting to ban puberty blockers for kids.

    It’s well know most kids grow out of it. The science doesn’t justify it. It’s all about risk vs reward.

    It’s funny how everyone thinks they are an expert on this topic but few actually have any education on this topic. It’s an emotionally charged topic.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -57 months ago

      The sad thing is in just a few years there will be thousands of horror stories of how kids were subjected to this and now they are totally fucked both physically and mentally. And of course no one will be held accountable

      • NeuromancerM
        -17 months ago

        What, I find it entertaining when the liberals will say, trust the science, and then when the science rejects their opinion, it’s RAWWWW.

        I think we need more research on the topic, and if blockers turn out to be the best solution, so be it, but the science disagrees with that currently.

        Based on the science, most kids outgrow this and nothing should be done until they hit puberty. That is why Europe is baking off because that is what the current science shows.