Outrage over killing of Ryan Gainer, shot three times on Saturday, as sheriff denounced for defending deputies’ use of lethal force
Archived version: https://archive.ph/50wkz
Outrage over killing of Ryan Gainer, shot three times on Saturday, as sheriff denounced for defending deputies’ use of lethal force
Archived version: https://archive.ph/50wkz
I think shooting someone trying to attack you with a hoe generally counts as self-defense, but I don’t understand why
This seems like exactly the situation tasers are meant for. Even if attempting to use a taser would have been riskier for the deputies, IMO accepting a reasonable amount of risk is part of their job. “Take the risk of confronting an aggressive teenager, but not the further risk of attempting to subdue him non-lethally” isn’t where I would have the line drawn.
That statement also admits that this is in line with protocol, Idk who in their right mind would call a protocol acceptable where 3 guys show up to a distress call with guns and can’t manage to deescalate one kid with a hoe without loss of life.
The question I’m asking is:
Why is there no time for a taser or pepper spray? Those should release just as quickly and easily as a firearm. Moreover, I’m rather confident I could take someone coming at me with a gardening tool, and I’m no police officer. Sure, don’t risk a physical altercation, though at what point did that situation warrant the use of a firearm?
And a taser holds little real risk for the officer firing it. Hell, even a gun can have issues.
But in your first sentence you clarified this is okay. No change will happen until you, and every other American, change that thinking.
You don’t understand why a cop killed a kid in a country that will do backflips in order to find justification for said violence?
It’s only one small step from advocacy of a taser to advocacy of a gun.