• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    So the US government will not even investigate this because of the close ties / relationship with Boeing?

    I swear to god, the US and its oligarchy is just russia “at home”

        • Kaity
          17 months ago

          our glorious pig’s glorious lipstick of the highest caliber*

      • @[email protected]
        -177 months ago

        Oh, I was wondering why I recognized your name!

        My apologies that you couldn’t get laid in high school.

        Are you going to explain this? Cuz it really sounds like you fucked a 12 year old when you were in high school.

        • @Cryophilia
          127 months ago

          How does getting laid in high school equal fucking a 12 year old? What’s the context here?

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Jax took that comment way out of context.

            The original thread was about puberty blockers being blocked by NHS when prescribed to kids with gender dysphoria.

            At no point did a specific age come up, but it’s assumed that puberty blockers would be most effective before puberty.

            However by this point in the thread, Jax had commented that they didn’t feel comfortable with kids taking birth control, a different tangent.

            I responded, in sarcastic tone (and to a reply to Jax’s post, as in, to a third party), as if surprised to learn that people should be taking birth control or receiving HPV vaccines before they start having sex (as in, not when they start having sex).

            Jax responds that they just aren’t comfortable with kids having sex.

            I respond with the quote above, Jax replies with:

            So you’re either suggesting that 12 year olds should be fucking high schoolers, or you’re just too dumb to think about what you said. I’ll give you a few minutes.

            I don’t know where that leap came from, but it followed me here a day or two later.


            • Kaity
              27 months ago

              A lot of shitty things are done under the guise of, “It makes me feel uncomfortable”

              Trans people especially, anything to do with them really, Oh I make you uncomfortable, guess we will just magically stop existing.

              And for the uncomfortable people out there, most times the “stop existing” thing, comes in the form of unaliving because we aren’t cis like everyone else… that’s kinda the whole thing

            • @Cryophilia
              07 months ago

              I think there’s a real Red Scare style trend among zoomers with regards to pedophilia. Any time they can find the slightest pretext to link someone to pedophilia, they’ll do it and then call a mob with pitchforks.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Different conversation. Was talking about the effects of GnRH on the body, it led to a conversation of the similar effects of birth control on kids. I mentioned how I didn’t like the idea of kids needing to take birth control, which then brings us to that comment.

            The kids in question would have been 12, right around when puberty starts. So the “sorry you didn’t get laid in high school” sure fucking sounds like this person is saying that they think it’s normal for high schoolers to fuck 12 year olds. You can draw whatever conclusions you want from that, I’ve drawn mine.

            Edit: you can look through my comments, I stand by everything I’ve said.

            • @Cryophilia
              127 months ago

              Ah, I see. From what limited info you’ve given here, it sounds like you blew a common saying way out of proportion, but maybe I’m missing some of the more important context.

              • @[email protected]
                7 months ago

                The context is children taking puberty blockers, which means taking them at around 12 years old.

                The context is exactly what I stated it as, I have blown exactly nothing out of proportion. I gave them the opportunity to explain themselves originally, they declined by not responding, so tell me exactly what conclusion should I draw?

                “Oh it’s fine that this person insulted me when I’m expressing my feelings (I cannot believe I just referred to being creeped out by kids taking birth control and fucking high schoolers as feelings), they deserve the respect they didn’t give me.”

                Absolutely not, if the above is what you’re suggesting you can have these hands too.

                Edit: I have to add, I did just randomly find this person again. I did not go out of my way to follow their comments. I just realized that might seem possible.

                • the post of tom joad
                  87 months ago

                  Edit: I have to add, I did just randomly find this person again.

                  I… regardless, bringing this unrelated beef into this thread is a rude fucking thing to do to both them and us. Like i haven’t seen this level of pettiness in a good bit.

                  Keep it in your own thread. Isn’t that like a golden Internet rule?

                  • @Cryophilia
                    17 months ago

                    I think it’s fair to bring up particularly shitty takes if you see someone in the wild. I do it with known trolls.

                • @Cryophilia
                  17 months ago

                  kids taking birth control and fucking high schoolers

                  I think this is the issue. These are two separate statements and you’re conflating them.

                  “Someone didn’t get laid in high school” is a pretty common phrase that just means you’re lame. I think it’s a coincidence that the original topic was prepubescent puberty blockers.

                  The alternative is that someone just decided out of nowhere to proclaim their love for pedophilia. I think it’s far more likely that you misunderstood them.

                  • @[email protected]
                    7 months ago

                    My comment: My point is moreso that kids shouldn’t be having sex, but sure yeah. Read into it guys.

                    Their response: Sorry you couldn’t get laid in high school.

                    Really? So you really think this is out of context? When it is quite literally the context? I have a feeling I’m going to get snapped from this thread at some point so I sent you a DM.

    • @[email protected]
      207 months ago

      You are making that up, nobody said it won’t be investigated and the case he was a whistle blower for isn’t being stopped by this.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        I do hope you’re right.

        I hope every single Boeing plane gets grounded until every single plane gets independently checked by a reputable 3rd party.

        But my hopes are idealistic, and the real world is far from ideal.

      • @Maggoty
        57 months ago

        The case isn’t stopped but it’s a lot less likely to succeed now.

        And I’ll believe there’ll be an investigation when there is one.

      • @Aleric
        117 months ago

        They made it up. I won’t be surprised if it goes this way, but there’s no indication that’s how it is now.

    • @TokenBoomer
      07 months ago

      We exported this in the 90’s. Russia learned it from America.🇺🇸