Sorry for the super sporadic posting. Still in the process of moving and everything. I am giving updates on my Mastodon and [email protected] if anyone is interested but there’s really no reason to be.
Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday. Live long and prosper, you glorious bastards.
I’m sure you don’t believe me either, but when my friend came out in his early 20s I went with him to gay bars like a half dozen times to show support. Every time I would get compliments, and it was really a pleasant exchange like this except instead of girlfriend being around I let them know I was there to help a friend feel comfortable.
Two times they bought me a drink, and I was never made to feel unwelcome since I was there to be supportive.
Plus the compliments really did make me feel good about myself.
Even my sorry ass has experienced this …sorta kinda… once, but no drinks, and only one person sort of maybe seemed to be interested … a little. Or maybe I was just imagining it…
Damn now I don’t feel so good about myself 😂
If they might have seemed interested they probably were. Assume the best!