I’ve been keeping my pebble 2 alive for a very long time. New battery a few months ago, rewiring the vibrator motor due to the wire breaking at the solder point, new 3d printed buttons.

It’s been working great for a very long time. Today, the motor itself is dead, resoldering it yielded no joy.

I think I need to retire this watch. I’ve asked my brother if I could buy one of his (he backed all the kickstarters) that isn’t working any more. I’ll replace the battery in it, and get it working again.

It’s so sad that these aren’t made any more. No significant changes or updates in what, like 7 years, and it still functions nearly perfectly. I wish so badly that someone would pick up where they left off and manufacture some more.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    I still have my Time Round lying around and it was honestly the best smartwatch I’ve ever used. I wish you didn’t have to sideload the app repeatedly to use it on iOS.