Page 1 - Class features (1) Page 2 - Class features (2) Page 3 - Class features (3) Page 4 - Class features (4) Page 5 - Subclass: Blademaster Page 6 - Subclass: Commander Page 7 - Subclass: Green Knight Page 8 - Subclass: Psyker Page 9 - Subclass: War Veteran BackCover and Credits

The Heroic Warrior is a revamped Fighter that shares some similarities with the One DnD version of the class, but replaces the weapon masteries (which I honestly find overly simplistic and boring) with battle maneuvers and additional fighting styles.

The goal is to create a martial class that’s simple to use, fun to run over multiple sessions, and on a more equal power level with casters, while also trying not to dilute its “martial” nature with spells-like or arcane powers (such as giving it overly flashy maneuvers).

The four subclasses provided are heavily inspired or directly derived by existing subclasses: the Blademaster is a blend of Battle Master and Cavalier, the Commander is an improved Purple Dragon Knight/Banneret, the Green Knight combines the Eldritch Knight and the Arcane Archer and gives them Pact Magic with third caster progression, the Psyker is a middle ground between the Echo Knight and the Psi Warrior, and lastly, the War Veteran is a mix of Champion and Samurai.

Feel free to comment and share your thoughts; I’ll be happy to improve the class following other people’s opinions and suggestions.

Ko Fi:

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Okay, this is some REALLY good homebrew. A few things stand out as especially good

    -Making maneuvers baseline is the number one thing that Fighter needed to become both useful and more fun, and is definitely a top-grade improvement to the overall quality of the class.

    -The Indomitable improvement is HUGE, quite possibly an improvement that’s so good it could allow Fighters to actually withstand the insanity that gets thrown around at high levels. Even if the uses are very limited, being able to take any saving throw in the game that didn’t come from Tiamat Herself and just break it over your knee is a massive deal and makes high level spellcasters significantly less able to just turn Fighters into active liabilities (Forcecage is sadly still so stupid overpowered that a high level wizard/sorcerer can freely shut down any fighter, but that’s a problem with the fact that there just aren’t any things in the game that can counter casters apart from other bigger casters)

    -About Valorous: What exactly is Heroic Inspiration, if I may ask?

    With regard to the subclasses…

    -Green Knight feels like it would be okay getting a 3rd spell slot at level 17

    -Otherwise they all seem pretty great!

    The balance of this is much better than default fighter, which becomes almost entirely irrelevant beyond level 12 since casters start getting so insane. While this does still get outpaced by casters at those levels, it has the tools needed to still contribute at that stage of the game and keep up with the rest of the party.

    Overall, 9.7/10, you can’t expect more from a homebrew without fundamentally altering game mechanics

    • Aielman15OP
      111 months ago

      I appreciate the kind words!

      Heroic Inspiration is just Inspiration, they gave it a new name in One DnD (supposedly to distinguish it from Bardic Inspiration). A few of the class and subclass features were lifted from One DnD, actually, including the new Indomitable.

      As for the Green Knight, I copy-pasted the spellcasting progression from Matt Mercer’s Blood Hunter/Order of the Profane Soul, which is the closest we have to an official class with Pact Magic and third caster progression. Maybe I could give it a feature to replenish the spell slots once per long rest, or something like that.