i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!

  • Pastor Haggis
    92 years ago

    I don’t mind automated bots if it’s specific types. For example, r/Music had a bot that would scrub your link or title and basically give you a rundown of the artist including active years, a brief summary, and other informative stuff.

    Specific communities having their bots post something I think is totally fine, but I absolutely agree that, in general, bots are bad.

    As much as I loved prequelmemes, I avoided the comment section like the plague because I got tired of seeing the Maul, Ahsoka, and Anakin bots having full blown conversations with themselves. It’s not funny, it’s only relevant in that they’re in the universe we posted about, and it just bloated the comment section.

    • SSTF
      52 years ago

      Having like, one bot is a fun novelty. Deep Rock’s sub had the Wandering Dwarf Miner which was fun. But he’d just pop in with a quick “rock & stone” and that’s it.

      I know exactly what you’re talking about with prequelmemes where it would summon like ten bots for popular character mentions and just ruin a thread.

      • Pastor Haggis
        32 years ago

        DRG’s bot was great yeah. Novelty stuff like that can be a fun addition to a community. It just sucks when the entire thread is bots jerking each other off.