I have gotten Wake On LAN (WOL) setup and working. However my machine is a Ubuntu machine using full disk LUKS encryption which means when booting it up, it requires a password/passphrase to unlock the machine before it boots into Ubuntu. The WOL systemD service I created will always make sure WOl is enabled for the next time the machine reboots, however if I reboot the machine and fail to unlock the device on the full disk encryption menu and the machine shut down, WOL will not be enabled which means WOL is not going to work to turn on the machine again.

Is there a way to enable WOL on the system full disk LUKs encryption lock screen?

  • @mumblerfish
    610 months ago

    Use dropbear? Dropbear is an ssh server, but it is a minimal one which can be embedded in the initramfs image. I think in ubuntu the package is called dropbear-initramfs. It is used for decrypting in early boot. There are great in structions for all this if you search.

    The solution would then look like: wol, ssh into it, you are prompted passphrase, once entered you are thrown out, computer continues boot, you are done.

    • @trymeoutOP
      110 months ago

      I do use dropbear-initramfs. However the issue if I power off or the power goes out while I am unlocking the computer, I will be unable to reboot the computer using WOL. Is there something like dropbear-initramfs but instead of it being a SSH server for the LUKS lockscreen, it is a WOL enabler?

      • @mumblerfish
        110 months ago

        Sorry, so your motherboard/network card resets the WOL feature on a second reboot? Or what is the problem?